네이쳐스온 철분제 50정

AUD $13

네이쳐스온 철분제 50정


half new

Iron Plus is used for:
*Maintaining normal blood health
*Replacing lost iron levels from menstruation
*Assisting the body to produce eneregy

Iron works as a blood tonic. It is paricularly important that women maintain healthy iron levels, as it can be lost during menstruation. It also helps the body to produce energy, and supports healthy nervous function.

성분 /함량
Each tablet contains:

Ferrous Fumarate 16mg Calcium Ascorbate 121mg Vitamin B6 5mg Folic Acid 95mcg Vitamin B12 50mcg

Does not contain added sugar, starch, gluten, salt, artificial flavourings, preservatives or animal products.

Recommended adult dosage: 식 후 하루 한정 ~ 두정 (or advised by your healthcare professional. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanaced diet.