블랙모어스 Ginkgo Brahmi 40정

AUD $28

Blackmores Ginkgo Brahmi 40 Tablets



General Information
Blackmores Ginkgo Brahmi

Blackmores Ginkgo Brahmi contains Ginkgo and Brahmi. Brahmi is an Ayurvedic medicine traditionally used to improve memory and mental capacity. Ginkgo Brahmi may be helpful in times of mental stress.

The memory enhancing and cognitive effects of Brahmi (Bacopa monniera) have been attributed to the active components saponins, in particular bacosides A and B. The mode of action is thought to be by the:
– Positive influence on many nerve endings found in the brain that are important for memory and cognition
– Antioxidant effects by neutralisation of free radical producing metals and by increasing the levels of antioxidant enzymes hence preventing cell damage
Ginkgo’s (Ginkgo biloba) main neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing effects have been attributed to:
– Improvement in brain circulation and associated increases in oxygen and nutrient supply to the central nervous system
– Free-radical scavenger activity which helps in reducing cell damage.

Active ingredients per tablet: Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) extract equiv. to dry whole plant 3g (3000mg), (stand. to contain bacosides 67.5mg); Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo) extract equiv. to dry leaf 3g (3000mg), (stand. to contain ginkgo flavonglycosides 16mg and ginkgolides and bilobalide 4mg).
Adults: Take one tablet twice daily with meals, or as professionally prescribed.

Not recommended for children under 12 years.