Bioglen 1000억 유산균 30정

AUD $59

바이오글렌 프로바이오틱스 P100  30정


한정에 1000억 유산균 함유

세노비스 프로바이오틱스 제품의 10배


bioglan total

bioglan 100 -1



General Information

Each Bioglan ProbiomaX 50 Super Strength capsule contains 100 BILLION active beneficial cultures.If you need a stronger probiotic to help relieve digestive discomfort, constipation, bloating or gas,

Common Uses
This specially formulated, high potency probiotic blend is designed to help replenish and fortify ?good bacteria? in the intestinal tract. Double Strain, Super Strength formulation – Each Bioglan ProbiomaX 50 Super Strength capsule contains 50 billion active beneficial probiotic cultures. Carefully selected, they include a representative of both the lactobacillus and bifidobacterium families to help support healthy microflora balance of the small intestine and colon.
Lactobacillus acidophilus – friendly bacteria to help support the small intestine. Can help restore and maintain healthy microbial population by promoting growth and adherance of good bacteria.
Bifidobacterium lactis – friendly bacteria to help support the colon. As one of the main groups of probiotics in the colon, they support immune response and promote normalisation of intestinal flora. Together, L.acidophilus with B.lactis combine to create a powerful probiotic formulation, to help promote a healthy digestive system and digestive balance.
Probiotics – (“Pro”=Positive, “Biotic”=Life) are living micro-organisms that play an important role in maintaining good health. They populate the intestinal tract where they play a positive role as part of the intestinal microflora. The digestive flora has many important roles, which include nutrient metabolism, modulating immune function and supporting digestive health.